How NFC goji juice enhances immunity

It is said that poor immunity leads to all kinds of diseases. There are often such people around us:

I catch a cold when the season changes and my recovery is slow.

Wounds heal slowly and you often feel tired

Everything checked out normal, but I always feel uncomfortable anywhere.

I have no appetite for anything…

In this issue, we will analyze “NFC goji juice and Immunity” from the perspective of dietary health to eliminate all your confusions at once.

More than 40 nutrients

Build an iron wall of immunity

As the “most powerful doctor”, immunity is helping the body resist external pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and other infections all the time. The level of immunity determines whether you are susceptible to illness, the length and severity of the illness, and how quickly your body recovers.

From a nutritional point of view, nutrients are the basis for improving immunity. The composition of immune cells, immune responses, etc. all need the support of nutrients. Therefore, whether you eat well and whether nutrition is balanced has a lot to do with immunity.

Modern pharmacological and clinical research has proven that Zhongning goji contains 18 kinds of amino acids, 32 kinds of trace and macro elements, 6 kinds of long-chain fatty acids necessary for the human body, 7 kinds of vitamins, goji polysaccharides and other biologically active ingredients.

Regardless of the richness, balanced ratio, or content of nutrients, it is an ideal plant nutritional supplement that provides sufficient “ammunition” to improve immunity.

In this regard, the nutritional content of the Qizitown ultra-micro NFC goji juice product packaging has clearly marked the content and types of key nutrients, including goji polysaccharide, selenium, beta-carotene, betaine and flavonoids.

Lycium barbarum polysaccharide

Essential nutrients to enhance immunity

The book “Recuperating Immunity – Polysaccharides and Health” published by China Medical Science and Technology Press states: The vitality of the human immune system is closely related to nutritional status. It is necessary to reasonably combine various nutrients and have a balanced diet on a daily basis. Complex polysaccharides can be appropriately supplemented, which can improve the body’s immunity. Strength and maintain the health of the immune system.

Lycium barbarum polysaccharide in NFC goji juice is a typical representative of this complex polysaccharide. It is a unique natural plant polymer glycoprotein in goji and is a natural enhancer that enhances human immune function.

One of the important indicators to judge the quality of NFC goji juice is the polysaccharide content of goji. The higher the quality, the better the nourishing effect.

The Zhongningxia local standard for NFC goji juice polysaccharides is >500mg/100ml, while Qizitown’s ultra-fine NFC goji juice contains 2440 mg of goji polysaccharides per 100ml, which is much higher than the local standard and the content of most NFC goji juices on the market. .

In 2022, Qizitown collaborated with Ningxia Medical University to conduct a study on the immunity-enhancing efficacy of NFC goji juice. After feeding mice with different doses of NFC goji juice for 45 days, the cellular immune function, humoral immune function, and monocyte-macrophage The functional results all showed positive, indicating that NFC goji juice has certain immunity-enhancing effects.

In the book “Medicine Identification and Analysis Standards, Quality Control and Efficacy of goji”, real-life experiments on goji juice are also recorded: multiple randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials conducted in the United States and China, allowing healthy adults to In a study on 60 people aged 55 to 72 who took 120ml (equivalent to 150g of fresh fruit) of standardized goji polysaccharide juice orally, three key indicators that represent immunity improvement were significantly improved.

The biggest advantage of NFC goji juice is that after the fresh fruit is freshly squeezed, it not only retains more than 40 nutrients, but also improves the absorption rate, so that these core nutrients can be truly absorbed by the body and used by the body. This is why drinking NFC goji juice is better than soaking dry goji An important reason why water works more easily.

Qizitown’s third-generation ultra-finely crushed NFC goji juice further increases the absorption rate by as much as 40% on the basis of traditional NFC goji juice. At the same time, the taste is more delicate and smooth, with full color, flavor and taste, making it easier to eat fresh goji. Almost identical.

Although we advocate daily drinking of NFC goji juice, which has many benefits, NFC goji juice is a tonic that has the same origin as medicine and food. It is not a drug and cannot replace the effects of medicines. Improving immunity is not a temporary thing.

Integrate NFC goji juice and more healthy foods into your daily diet, consume one bottle every mor Zhongning and eve Zhongning, and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Your body will naturally give you unexpected surprises in two months, half a year, or one year.

Data Sources:

·China’s modern goji industry high-quality development report 2023. Ningxia People’s Publishing House

·goji edible health manual. China Traditional Chinese Medicine Press

·The magical Ningxia goji. China Culture Publishing House

·Identification and analysis standards, quality control and efficacy of goji. Sunshine Publishing House

Post time: Sep-25-2023